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Discover the speakers and speeches
DAY 1 - 15 July
DAY 2 - 16 July
Workshop - 17 July
Extend the search experience of your DXP
Fabio Pezzutto Fabio is a Software Architect and a technical consultant of SMC. With extensive experience in Web Application development and integration, he supports customers with the architecture and development of solutions using Liferay. He holds a master's degree in Computer Science from University of Udine.
Fabio is a Software Architect and a technical consultant of SMC. With extensive experience in Web Application development and integration, he supports customers with the architecture and development of solutions using Liferay. He holds a master's degree in Computer Science from University of Udine.
Software Engineer & Architectural Consultant at SMC Treviso
Fabio Pezzutto
Software Engineer & Architectural Consultant at SMC Treviso
What's does it mean to extend the search of your DXP
Search is an important part of the user experience that you design.
You could build a system's UI just with a well-defined search bar. Into this speech, we'll talk about what Liferay provides you to create full search experience and how to extend it to implement a real enterprise search.
Publish. Tune. Repeat.
Pier Paolo Ramon Pier Paolo Ramon has worked in SMC since 2009 holding the position of Senior Frontend Engineering and Team Leader of the Web & Mobile R&D division.
He has gained a great experience of Service Design in the field of OpenSource Web Portal platforms developing a robust methodology in the management of the User Interaction & User Experience.
He has built up a great experience in the use of various programming languages, with particular specialization in the Javascript language. He is one of the main global contributors to Liferay technology.
Pier Paolo Ramon has worked in SMC since 2009 holding the position of Senior Frontend Engineering and Team Leader of the Web & Mobile R&D division.
He has gained a great experience of Service Design in the field of OpenSource Web Portal platforms developing a robust methodology in the management of the User Interaction & User Experience.
He has built up a great experience in the use of various programming languages, with particular specialization in the Javascript language. He is one of the main global contributors to Liferay technology.
Head of Digital at SMC
Pier Paolo Ramon
Head of Digital at SMC
Do marketing requirements make you speechless? Optimizing the contents has never been easier ... Targeting tools and A / B testing, accessible to all, to reach the right audience!
How to Efficiently Query Your Data Lake Using SQL
Stefano Pampaloni Business Open Source Evangelist e CEO di Seacom srl: sostenitore convinto dell'Open Source, ha creato il suo primo Internet Service Provider nel 1995, implementando l'intera infrastruttura attraverso software Open Source.
Nel corso degli anni ha fondato diverse "Internet Company" tra cui una compagnia telefonica. Grazie a queste esperienze ha acquisito un bagaglio di conoscenze tecniche e manageriali, specialmente nel campo dei sistemi di comunicazione, collaborazione e Bigdata.
È inoltre community manager per Elastic User Group Italy e Kafka - Confluent Rome.
Business Open Source Evangelist e CEO di Seacom srl: sostenitore convinto dell'Open Source, ha creato il suo primo Internet Service Provider nel 1995, implementando l'intera infrastruttura attraverso software Open Source.
Nel corso degli anni ha fondato diverse "Internet Company" tra cui una compagnia telefonica. Grazie a queste esperienze ha acquisito un bagaglio di conoscenze tecniche e manageriali, specialmente nel campo dei sistemi di comunicazione, collaborazione e Bigdata.
È inoltre community manager per Elastic User Group Italy e Kafka - Confluent Rome.
CEO at Seacom
Stefano Pampaloni
CEO at Seacom
Data virtualization allows you to place great value on information that is submerged in a Data Lake. With Dremio you can perform fast SQL Queries directly on a virtualization layer, removing the need to duplicate or move data and accelerating access.
Designment: all you can grab from design to improve your coding
Massimo Azzolini He's an entrepreneur and a business consultant focused on service design. He embraced the Agile culture, it's the backbone of his competences. He's aimed for helping people to achieve their goals, to complete their projects, to build their startup. He founded RedTurtle in 1999 and Giallocobalto 2015.
He's an entrepreneur and a business consultant focused on service design. He embraced the Agile culture, it's the backbone of his competences. He's aimed for helping people to achieve their goals, to complete their projects, to build their startup. He founded RedTurtle in 1999 and Giallocobalto 2015.
Founder & Service Designer at Giallocobalto
Massimo Azzolini
Founder & Service Designer at Giallocobalto
Agile and Design Thinking are not only two collections of methods and tools, nor competing philosophies: they have a consolidated approach that changes people's mindset and focus.
Let's see how a correct synergy between the two can maximize the quality of our work, simplify our lives and conquer.
Enforce Your Portal Security
Samuele Benetti Senior system architect si occupa principalmente di assessment su infrastrutture complesse e coordina il gruppo system all'interno della Buiness Unit Solution di SMC. Forte esperienza nel mondo open source ed in particolare sulla piattaforma Liferay e sui tipici stack applicativi delle infrastrutture open source.
Senior system architect si occupa principalmente di assessment su infrastrutture complesse e coordina il gruppo system all'interno della Buiness Unit Solution di SMC. Forte esperienza nel mondo open source ed in particolare sulla piattaforma Liferay e sui tipici stack applicativi delle infrastrutture open source.
Senior System Architect at SMC
Simone Cinti Simone Cinti ricopre il ruolo di Software Architect in SMC Treviso. Grazie alla sua passione per l'informatica fin da bambino e spinto dalla curiosità nel capire cosa si nasconde dietro ogni cosa intraprende gli studi universitari, conseguendo la Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica.
Nei primi anni ha svolto attività di consulenza nello sviluppo e collaudo dei sistemi di provisioning nel settore ICT,mentre negli ultimi dieci anni si occupa della progettazione e dello sviluppo di applicazioni e portali web, maturando competenze specifiche nello sviluppo di applicazioni web basate su tecnologia Liferay.
Simone Cinti ricopre il ruolo di Software Architect in SMC Treviso. Grazie alla sua passione per l'informatica fin da bambino e spinto dalla curiosità nel capire cosa si nasconde dietro ogni cosa intraprende gli studi universitari, conseguendo la Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica.
Nei primi anni ha svolto attività di consulenza nello sviluppo e collaudo dei sistemi di provisioning nel settore ICT,mentre negli ultimi dieci anni si occupa della progettazione e dello sviluppo di applicazioni e portali web, maturando competenze specifiche nello sviluppo di applicazioni web basate su tecnologia Liferay.
Software Architect at SMC
Samuele Benetti
Senior System Architect at SMC
Simone Cinti
Software Architect at SMC
In the information era, security is becoming even more important. A strong security enforcement is needed in order to protect against several types of attacks. In this talk you'll see how to increase the security level from both network and application side with a deep dive into the vulnerabilities, and how Liferay solutions takes care of your security.
Liferay as Digital Experience Platform in the context of Microservices
Antonio Musarra In SMC ricopre il ruolo di Senior Software Architect e si occupa in genere di consulenze specialistiche su progetti che riguardano la piattaforma Liferay, curando in particolare gli aspetti d'integrazione con altri sistemi.
Crede nella condivisione della conoscenza come mezzo per la crescita personale e per questo motivo, circa otto anni fa, ha creato un suo blog personale:
Antonio Musarra's Blog la voglia ancora di condividere, ha pubblicato su Amazon nel 2015 il suo primo eBook, Sviluppo Liferay con Maven, arrivando alla sua ultima pubblicazione del 2018 con l'eBook Liferay Portal Security Audit.
In SMC ricopre il ruolo di Senior Software Architect e si occupa in genere di consulenze specialistiche su progetti che riguardano la piattaforma Liferay, curando in particolare gli aspetti d'integrazione con altri sistemi.
Crede nella condivisione della conoscenza come mezzo per la crescita personale e per questo motivo, circa otto anni fa, ha creato un suo blog personale:
Antonio Musarra's Blog la voglia ancora di condividere, ha pubblicato su Amazon nel 2015 il suo primo eBook, Sviluppo Liferay con Maven, arrivando alla sua ultima pubblicazione del 2018 con l'eBook Liferay Portal Security Audit.
Software Architect at SMC
Antonio Musarra
Software Architect at SMC
In this era of plentiful, standardized APIs and the explosion of powerful JavaScript frameworks and libraries like Angular, React and Vue for web development and building front-end experiences, it can be tempting to think that a full-blown Digital Experience Platform such as Liferay may not be needed.
After all, it's relatively easy to build your own front-end experience on top of headless CMS and microservice-backed APIs — why do you need all the additional bells and whistles?
In this presentation we will see how the Liferay platform, within its own microservice architecture, can be exploited to its advantage and give value to its solution.
Hey Liferay! Driven by voice
Realize Natural Language Processing solutions, as part of artificial intelligence, to improve the customer experience and reduce costs.
In this journey, we want to find out how modern AI-based conversational assistants can interface with Liferay 7.3 to improve the user experience.
We will focus on chatbot technologies based on Artificial Intelligence technologies, particularly Natural Language Processing and Speech Recognition, and how these can be integrated through appropriately customized Liferay REST services and guarantee a better human / machine interaction by exploiting Liferay's strengths DXP.
Liferay 7.3 News and Noteworthy
Mauro Mariuzzo Mauro Mariuzzo is a senior SMC software architect with great experience in web technologies, middleware and databases. Mauro has provided support for numerous Liferay Portal implementations. It is part of the R & D team, focused on increasing the ease of development and driving the deployment of new technologies into SMC's existing products and solutions.
Mauro Mariuzzo is a senior SMC software architect with great experience in web technologies, middleware and databases. Mauro has provided support for numerous Liferay Portal implementations. It is part of the R & D team, focused on increasing the ease of development and driving the deployment of new technologies into SMC's existing products and solutions.
Senior software architect at SMC
Mauro Mariuzzo
Senior software architect at SMC
An overview of the features already released with the first Liferay 7.3 GAs and a glimpse into the future.
Citizen-friendly accessibility. AgID in the Liferay context
Gianpietro Benincà Gianpietro Benincà is an SMC Front End Engineer.
Strong experience in the use of various Javascript libraries and frameworks such as React. Especially interested in the accessibility and ergonomics aspects of web interfaces. Interest cultivated through accessibility reviews and development of accessible solutions in the Liferay context.
Gianpietro Benincà is an SMC Front End Engineer.
Strong experience in the use of various Javascript libraries and frameworks such as React. Especially interested in the accessibility and ergonomics aspects of web interfaces. Interest cultivated through accessibility reviews and development of accessible solutions in the Liferay context.
Front End Engineer
Gianluca Dario
Front End Engineer
Citizen-friendly accessibility. AgID in the Liferay context
Gianpietro Benincà
Front End Engineer
Gianluca Dario
Front End Engineer
*** SOLD OUT***
Workshop to discover accessibility, and import of Agid guidelines into a theme for Liferay. The speech will be in Italian language.